Sunday, September 12, 2010

Database, Reading an XML File into In-Memory Data Tables


You previously exported a DataSet to an XML file, and now you need to get it back.


Use the DataSet object's ReadXML() method to restore data from a previously generated XML export.


Recipe 13.9 exports some XML and a related schema for a table with state-specific information. To read it back into a DataSet object, use the following code:
Dim stateSet As New Data.DataSet

Database, Writing In-Memory Data Tables to an XML File


You have some data in a DataSet object, and you would like to export it to an XML file for later reimportation.


Use the DataSet's WriteXML() method to send the DataSet content to the file in a common XML format.


Recipe 13.8 builds a DataTable object with two state-specific records. The following code adds that table to a DataSet object and writes its records to an XML file:
Dim fullDataSet As New Data.DataSet

Database, Creating In-Memory Data Tables Manually


You want to manage some data in a database-table-like fashion, but the source data is not coming from a database, or from anything that looks like a table.


Build a DataTable manually, and fill in all the table details and data yourself.


The following code builds a simple table of state information and adds two records:
Dim stateTable As DataTable = New DataTable("UnitedStates")

 ' ----- Use the abbreviation as the primary key.
 Dim priKeyCol(0) As Data.DataColumn
 priKeyCol(0) = stateTable.Columns.Add("ShortName", GetType(String))
 stateTable.PrimaryKey = priKeyCol

 ' ----- Add other data columns.
 stateTable.Columns.Add("FullName", GetType(String))
 stateTable.Columns.Add("Admission", GetType(Date))
 stateTable.Columns.Add("Population", GetType(Long))

Database, Storing the Results of a Query in Memory


While a data reader is fast and convenient, you would like to keep the retrieved data around for a while, even when you are disconnected from the database or other data source.


Use the data reader to bring the results into a data set. The DataSet object represents one or more in-memory database tables, each with its records stored in a separate DataTable object.


The following code loads all records from the Table1 table into a DataSet object, creating a DataTable object named Table1 within that data set:
' ----- Connect to the database.
connectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=MySystem\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
    "Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true"
 Dim theDatabase As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

 ' ----- Prepare the SQL statement for use by the data set.
 Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand( _
    "SELECT * FROM Table1", theDatabase)

 ' ----- Create the adapter that links the SQL Server-
 '       specific connection and  
command objects with
 '       the database-neutral data set.
 Dim theAdapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlStatement)

 ' ----- Create the data set and fill it with the results
 '       of the  
 Dim disconnectedSet As New Data.DataSet
 theAdapter.Fill(disconnectedSet, "Table1")

 ' ----- Clean up.
 theAdapter = Nothing
 sqlStatement = Nothing

Database, Using Transaction


You need to issue multiple database updates in the context of a single, atomic transaction.


Use an ADO.NET transaction to envelop the various SQL statements that need to be processed as a unit.


The following block of code connects to a database via ADO.NET and makes several database updates within a single transaction:
' ----- Connect to the database.
 Dim connectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=MySystem\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
    "Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true"
 Dim theDatabase As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
 theDatabase.Open( )

 ' ----- Create a command object that will hold each
 '       processed SQL statement.
 Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
 sqlStatement.Connection = theDatabase

Database, Using Stored Procedures


You need to use a stored procedure in your database, and you're not sure how to specify values for its input and output parameters.


Use the command object's Parameters collection to set and retrieve stored procedure argument values.


Here's a simple SQL Server stored procedure that does nothing more than retrieve a field from a table given its ID value:
    @PriKey int,
    @NameResult varchar(50) OUT
    -- Given an ID value, return the RecordName field.
    SET @NameResult =
       (SELECT RecordName FROM Table1 WHERE ID = @PriKey);

Monday, September 6, 2010

Format the DataGridView

Formatting the .NET 1.x DataGrid ranges from awkward to nearly impossible. However, thanks to its multi-layered model, formatting the DataGridView is far easier. This model builds on a single class, the DataGridViewCellStyle, which encapsulates key formatting properties. You can assign different DataGridViewCellStyle objects to separate rows, columns, or even distinct cells.

Note: By using a few simple style properties, you can configure the appearance of the entire grid, individual columns, or rows with important data.

How do I do that?

The DataGridView already looks better than the DataGrid in its default state. For example, you'll notice that the column headers have a modern, flat look and become highlighted when the user moves the mouse over them. However, there's much more you can do with the help of the DataGridViewCellStyle class.
The DataGridViewCellStyle collects all the formatting properties of the DataGridView. It defines appearance-related settings (e.g., color, font), and data formatting (e.g., currency, date formats). All in all, the DataGridViewCellStyle provides the following key properties: