Sunday, September 12, 2010

Database, Reading an XML File into In-Memory Data Tables


You previously exported a DataSet to an XML file, and now you need to get it back.


Use the DataSet object's ReadXML() method to restore data from a previously generated XML export.


Recipe 13.9 exports some XML and a related schema for a table with state-specific information. To read it back into a DataSet object, use the following code:
Dim stateSet As New Data.DataSet

Database, Writing In-Memory Data Tables to an XML File


You have some data in a DataSet object, and you would like to export it to an XML file for later reimportation.


Use the DataSet's WriteXML() method to send the DataSet content to the file in a common XML format.


Recipe 13.8 builds a DataTable object with two state-specific records. The following code adds that table to a DataSet object and writes its records to an XML file:
Dim fullDataSet As New Data.DataSet

Database, Creating In-Memory Data Tables Manually


You want to manage some data in a database-table-like fashion, but the source data is not coming from a database, or from anything that looks like a table.


Build a DataTable manually, and fill in all the table details and data yourself.


The following code builds a simple table of state information and adds two records:
Dim stateTable As DataTable = New DataTable("UnitedStates")

 ' ----- Use the abbreviation as the primary key.
 Dim priKeyCol(0) As Data.DataColumn
 priKeyCol(0) = stateTable.Columns.Add("ShortName", GetType(String))
 stateTable.PrimaryKey = priKeyCol

 ' ----- Add other data columns.
 stateTable.Columns.Add("FullName", GetType(String))
 stateTable.Columns.Add("Admission", GetType(Date))
 stateTable.Columns.Add("Population", GetType(Long))

Database, Storing the Results of a Query in Memory


While a data reader is fast and convenient, you would like to keep the retrieved data around for a while, even when you are disconnected from the database or other data source.


Use the data reader to bring the results into a data set. The DataSet object represents one or more in-memory database tables, each with its records stored in a separate DataTable object.


The following code loads all records from the Table1 table into a DataSet object, creating a DataTable object named Table1 within that data set:
' ----- Connect to the database.
connectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=MySystem\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
    "Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true"
 Dim theDatabase As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

 ' ----- Prepare the SQL statement for use by the data set.
 Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand( _
    "SELECT * FROM Table1", theDatabase)

 ' ----- Create the adapter that links the SQL Server-
 '       specific connection and  
command objects with
 '       the database-neutral data set.
 Dim theAdapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlStatement)

 ' ----- Create the data set and fill it with the results
 '       of the  
 Dim disconnectedSet As New Data.DataSet
 theAdapter.Fill(disconnectedSet, "Table1")

 ' ----- Clean up.
 theAdapter = Nothing
 sqlStatement = Nothing

Database, Using Transaction


You need to issue multiple database updates in the context of a single, atomic transaction.


Use an ADO.NET transaction to envelop the various SQL statements that need to be processed as a unit.


The following block of code connects to a database via ADO.NET and makes several database updates within a single transaction:
' ----- Connect to the database.
 Dim connectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=MySystem\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
    "Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true"
 Dim theDatabase As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
 theDatabase.Open( )

 ' ----- Create a command object that will hold each
 '       processed SQL statement.
 Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
 sqlStatement.Connection = theDatabase