Thursday, September 4, 2008

andLinux, run Linux applications in Windows

For those who like to run Linux applications but still use a PC that had Windows OS, now do not need to go back and forth reboot to run a dual boot or run a virtualization program such a Virtual PC or Virtual Box. With andLinux now we can run linux applications in windows as if the applications are Windows applications.
andLinux uses the Ubuntu Linux distribution that runs in a seamless environment in Windows 2000 (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 32-bit version only). and Linux using coLinux as corenya. coLinux kernel is ported into Windows.This technology is mentioned more than a virtual machine because Windows and coLinux kernel merge and do not emulate a PC, making it more efficient. 

andLinux can run Linux applications without modification. andLinux can be downloaded here.

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